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- ***** THE PARTY VII - THE BUS !! ******
- ***************************************
- If you wanna get to this year`s X-MAS
- PARTY VII very comfortable & EASY, read
- THIS text-file and join THE BUS!!!
- All *COOOL* Sceners from C-64, PC etc.
- are welcome! (Limited to: 68 Seats!)
- ***************************************
- ***** THE PARTY VII - THE BUS !! ******
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- ÃÄÄÄ-ÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄ-ÄÄÅÄÄ-Ä-Ä-ù [chaotic.sds.hit.ms_team]
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- º ß ß - batteries not includedß º
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- ===========================
- Contents of this Text-File:
- ===========================
- 1. Introduction (of THE BUS!)
- 2. Great Advantages for YOU
- 3. Comparism table
- 4. How to subscribe/register for THE BUS!
- 5. IMPORTANT phone number!
- 6. Final notes
- 7. GERMAN translation of THE BUS text!
- (for those who still can`t speak proper english! :))) )
- ******************************************************************************
- ******************************************************************************
- * In case YOU don`t care about this text please think about the following *
- * anyways: *
- * *
- * If you know ANYBODY of your friends who could be interested in the *
- * offer below, SPREAD this text-file to them before deleting it! Thanks! *
- ******************************************************************************
- ******************************************************************************
- 1. Introduction:
- ================
- Hi guys!
- I`m here to announce something VERY INTERESTING for you for the following
- event:
- ===========================
- If you are interested to come to THE PARTY VII this x-mas taking place in
- * AARS *
- from 27th December 1997 at 9am to 29th December 1997 at 3pm
- and you still don`t know how, you might find certain interest in the
- following offer:
- I`m again about to organize a BIG BUS from a well-known big travel-bus-agency
- to bring a total amount of at least *48* cool sceners TO and of course also
- BACK from THE PARTY VII place this year!
- The Bus is leaving from Munich all the way through Germany till Denmark.
- If there are ENOUGH seat registrations in time I will even get a very cool
- and big DOUBLE DECKER BUS with a total of *68* seats for enough room and FUN !
- ==================
- The ticket price for THE BUS is set at ONLY: *** 175,-- D-Mark ***
- (and it will NOT raise with the bigger bus!) ==================
- per Person!
- 2. GREAT Advantages:
- ====================
- GREAT ADVANTAGES for *YOU* if you go with this bus:
- - THE BUS will arrive at the VERY BEGINNING of THE PARTY VI (at 9am in the
- morning! on 27th Dec.) so you won`t miss the GREAT starting ceremony held
- every year which opens the whole party for the next 3 days!
- - THE BUS is a ****-Stars-Bus and equipped with pure luxuary things!
- (toilets, refridgerator, kitchen, stereo sound, video-screens, sleeping
- seats, cordless phone and enough storage room for luggage and
- computer equipment etc...)
- - you don`t have to worry about anybody of your friends having to catch
- enough sleep at and during THE PARTY place to be able to drive you
- home very tired by car after the event. (pretty high risk of causing
- an accident when falling asleep behind the car's steering wheel!!! :( )
- - THE BUS will PICK UP all you sceners all over germany at certain places
- during the whole travel and will also bring all people BACK for
- EASY returning to their homes.
- - THE BUS is much CHEAPER than for example going by train from where ever
- in germany! (See BUS-TRAIN COMPARISM TABLE in this text-file!!!)
- - THE BUS will provide lotsa fun with well-known sceners and all your good
- friends during the travel without any problems.
- - you won`t need to search through all your maps and map-books to find
- the correct route to tell your driver to find THE PARTY place.
- THE BUS will drive DIRECTLY TO THE PARTY place without worrying!
- - THE BUS will arrive DIRECTLY at THAT PARTY place in Aars. So you step out
- of THE BUS and walk DIRECTLY INTO the party-hall-entrance!
- (If you go by train you can only arrive at Aalborg train-station and have
- to drive another pretty long trip by bus to the REAL party-place!)
- - ALL people driving with THE BUS are already REGISTERED and RESERVED for THE
- PARTY VII! So there will be ENOUGH tables and a NICE VIEW towards the
- BIG SCREEN for all the competitions for you. (reservation done by internet!)
- 3. Comparism Table:
- ===================
- And here is the long awaited BUS-TRAIN COMPARISM TABLE: (NOT faked in ANY way!)
- -------------------------------------------------------
- As I know that some of you always say things like...
- `Uhh! The bus-ticket-price is pretty expensive! I guess I`ll go by train!`
- ...I asked for complete train-ticket prices at `DIE BAHN` ticket office in
- germany to be able to prove you the opposite now: :)
- =============================================================================
- LEAVING FROM: Munich/Germany Hannover/Germany
- =============================================================================
- ******* THE BUS ticket price! ******** -=> 175,-- <=- | -=> 175,-- <=-
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- train ticket (if under 26 years of age!) 277,-- | 216,--
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- train ticket (if above 26 years of age!) 396,-- | 296,--
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (all prices taken as 2-way single-person ticket without `bahn-card` bonus!)
- 4. How to subscribe/register for THE BUS:
- =========================================
- Registering for THE BUS is done pretty very simple:
- I. Call the phone number listed below in this text!
- II. Leave the details listed below also on the answering machine (if you
- reach it instead of a person! :) )
- (Answering-Machine-Text will *NOT* be changed cause of this event!
- So don`t worry, if you hear this:
- `Ich befinde mich gerade in einem Funkschatten und bin daher nicht zu
- erreichen....` etc! :) Simply speek on it! )
- III. You will be called back and get told if there are still FREE SEATS
- available in THE BUS!
- IV. If so, wire the complete bus-ticket money onto a certain bank-account
- which will be given to you during the phonecall.
- V. Write down your NAME and your HANDLE together with `TP7` onto the
- bank-wiring-sheet (also called: VERWENDUNGSZWECK !) :)
- e.g. Jan / Chaotic / TP7
- VI. When you are booked for THE BUS always keep the phone number below in mind
- in case you are waiting at a certain place where THE BUS is supposed to
- pick you up and you need to ask e.g. when THE BUS will arrive exactly at
- this place. (as you know it is possible that THE BUS needs a little more
- time to reach the meeting point where you are waiting.
- 5. IMPORTANT PHONE NUMBER!: (take it with you if you are booked for THE BUS!)
- ===========================
- Here is the phone number for that BIG BUS if you want to register:
- ----=======>> 0172 / 851 58 00 (call it 24 hours a day!) <<=======----
- In case no one answers the phone directly, an answering machine is set up
- instead!
- Please leave this data on there then: (speak *CLEARLY!!!* and loud please) :)
- - YOUR NAME (real name!)
- - YOUR PHONE-NUMBER where you can be reached
- - THE TIME during the day/night where it is possible to reach you personally
- - THE NAME OF THE CITY you live in (if it`s a small place name a known city
- near of yours!)
- If you talked on that answering machine you`ll be called back at the next
- possibility and will be told ALL NECESSARY DETAILS for further registration for
- THE BUS! :)
- 6. Final Notes:
- ===============
- I guess this is a great idea for many of the sceners to get TO and BACK from
- THE PARTY VII this year.
- If you think the same don`t hesitate to CALL THE PHONE NUMBER above to
- register your seat in that BIG BUS!
- =========
- Naturally THE BUS gets filled up pretty QUICKLY!
- So don`t wait too long as THE BUS might be FULL then and you won`t be able
- to get a ticket for yourself!
- The money must have been wired to the bank account *successfully* till the
- END OF NOVEMBER! (29.11.1997!!!) (you may of course call AFTER that date
- as well, maybe we still got some free seats left! Just call and ask!
- BUT: The earlier the better!! :) )
- Money which is too much (from people who can`t join THE BUS anymore but might
- have wired the money to the bank account) will get their money BACK of course!!
- -------------------------------------------------------
- LATEST NEWS-TICKER as of 15th October 1997:
- ===========================================
- There are already about *40* registrations done for THIS YEAR'S BUS TRIP !!!
- So only about *28* seats left...so HURRY UP and CALL to finally get YOUR SEAT
- in THE PARTY BUS as well...!!
- -------------------------------------------------------
- That`s all!
- Have fun and JOIN THE BUS!!
- Signing off:
- Weasel - THE BUS organizer!! :)
- ==============================================================================
- 7. Short German Translation!:
- =============================
- Hallo Leute!
- hier nur kurz die wichtigsten Details fuer den BUS zur THE PARTY VII dieses
- Jahr in AARS / Denmark!
- Wenn Ihr keinen Stress haben wollt, um zur party VII zu kommen, dann reserviert
- Euch einfach einen Platz in diesem BUS, den ich wieder dieses Jahr fuer Euch
- organisiere:
- Das Ticket fuer diese Fahrt kostet NUR: ** 175,-- D-MARK ** pro Person
- (Ein Zug-Ticket kostet zum Vergleich wesentlich mehr! Siehe `Comparism Table!`)
- Wie reserviere ich einen Platz?
- -------------------------------
- 1. Ruft die folgende Nummer an: 0172 / 851 58 00 (24 hours a day!)
- 2. Hinterlasst Eure Daten (Name, Handle, Ort, Tel.Nummer) (und wann zurueck-
- gerufen werden kann! Im Falle, wenn Ihr nur einen Anrufbeantworter hoert!)
- (Anrufbeantworter-Ansage-Text wird wegen der Party *NICHT* extra geaendert!
- Also nicht wundern, wenn`s da heisst:
- `Ich befinde mich gerade in einem Funkschatten und bin daher nicht zu
- erreichen....` etc! :) Einfach draufsprechen! )
- 3. Ihr werdet schnellstmoeglich zurueckgerufen und erfahrt, ob ueberhaupt noch
- Platz im BUS frei ist.
- 4. Wenn ja, muesst Ihr den kompletten Ticket-Preis auf ein Bank-Konto
- ueberweisen, dass Ihr dann genannt bekommt.
- 5. Schreibt auf die Uerbweisung Euren Namen, Euer Handle und den Zusatz `TP7`
- in das Feld `VERWENDUNGSZWECK` !!
- (Beispiel: Jan / Chaotic / TP7 )
- 6. Merkt Euch die Handy-Nummer SEHR GUT und schreibt sie Euch auf, damit Ihr
- den Bus von unterwegs erreichen koennt! (z.B. um zu fragen, wann er bei
- Eurem Treffpunkt ankommen wird, falls er sich verspaeten sollte! etc...)
- Vorteile fuer Euch:
- -------------------
- - Der Bus wird zur traditionellen OPENING CEREMONY (um 9 Uhr frueh! am 27.12.)
- in AARS ankommen. Ihr verpasst also nichts!
- - Bei dem Bus handelt es sich um einen 4-Sterne Bus, der absolut LUXURIOES
- ausgestattet ist: Toilette, Kuehlschrank, Kueche, Stereo-Anlage, VIDEO-
- Anlage, bequeme Schlafsitze, Fuss-Stuetzen, Funk-Telefon ...)
- - Ihr muesst KEINEN Fahrer in Eurer Runde bestimmen, der waehrend der Party
- schlafen MUSS, damit er dann wieder fit ist fuer die LAAANGE Heimfahrt
- im Auto! (Hohes UNFALL-RISIKO!! Pennen hinterm Steuer!!!!!! :( )
- - Der BUS wird Euch auf dem Weg durch ganz Deutschland an bestimmten
- Treffpunkten direkt abholen.
- - Der BUS ist VIEL PREISWERTER und KOMFORTABLER als mit dem Zug zu fahren!
- (vgl. Comparism Table! im englischen Teil dieses Text-Files!)
- - Der BUS wird VIEL SPASS mit VIELEN bekannten Leuten aus der Scene bieten.
- Im Bus heisst es einfach nur: JEDE MENGE SPASS HABEN bei coolen chats!
- - Ihr muesst keine umstaendlichen Landkarten waelzen, um den winzigen Ort
- Aars zu finden und hinfahren zu koennen. Der BUS fahrt DIREKT VOR ORT!!
- - Der BUS wird DIREKT vor der Messehalle in Aars halten!
- Heisst: Einfach aussteigen und PAAAAARRRRTTTTTTTYYYYYYYYY!!!! :)))
- (Wenn Ihr mit dem Zug fahrt, dann muesst Ihr vom Bahnhof in Aalborg erst
- irgendwie nach Aars kommen! (Wegstrecke ca. 40 km !!!)
- - Der gesamte BUS ist uebers INTERNET reserviert worden. Ihr werdet also
- genuegend Plaetze und Tische sowie eine SEHR GUTE SICHT auf den BIG SCREEN
- haben! :)
- Noch einige Schlussbemerkungen:
- -------------------------------
- Wenn Ihr in dem BUS mitfahren wollt, dann solltet ihr NICHT lange zoegern
- anzurufen, da die Plaetze ueblicherweise ziemlich schnell AUSGEBUCHT sind.
- Achtung : !!!! MAXIMALER PLATZ IM BUS FUER * 68 * PERSONEN !!!!
- =========
- (Wenn genuegend Leute zusammenkommen wird ein DOPPEL-DECKER Bus
- angemietet werden, der insgesamt bis zu *68* Scener aufnehmen kann !!
- Jedoch wird sich der GUENSTIGE Fahrpreis dadurch DEFINITIV NICHT aendern !!)
- Das Geld MUSS auf dem Bank-Konto bis spaetestens ENDE NOVEMBER (29.11.1997!)
- *gutgeschrieben* sein! (Ihr koennt NACH diesem Termin natuerlich immer noch
- anrufen! Vielleicht sind ja noch ein paar Plaetze frei! Ruft einfach an und
- fragt nach!
- Grundsaetzlich gilt: JE FRUEHER ihr euch anmeldet, DESTO BESSER fuer euch!
- Zu viel ueberwiesenes Geld (von Leuten, die leider keinen Platz mehr im BUS
- bekommen haben, aber vielleicht schon ueberwiesen haben!) wird natuerlich
- wieder zurueckueberwiesen!!!
- -------------------------------------------------------
- LATEST NEWS-TICKER gueltig ab 15.Oktober 1997:
- ==============================================
- Es sind schon ca. *40* Anmeldungen fuer den diesjaehrigen BUS-TRIP bisher
- registriert. Damit ergibt sich, dass nur noch ca. *28* Plaetze verfuegbar
- sind....also BEEILT EUCH und ruft an, um auch fuer euch EUREN PLATZ im
- PARTY BUS zu reservieren...!!
- -------------------------------------------------------
- That`s all!
- Have fun and JOIN THE BUS!!
- Signing off:
- Weasel - THE BUS organizer!! :)